Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wisdom comes in many forms ...

I have some cocktail napkins that say "A great many things can be solved with kindness, even More with laughter, but there are Some things that just require cake."  Amen to that!  (Curly Girl Design ... love your stuff).
Humor spiced with compassion is a great way to tell a truth that otherwise might be unsaid.  I love truth and will be the first to admit that it can sting but when the pain diminishes we are left with the option of taking some action to find the gift in it. 
If I am blind to something that is going on that affects me adversely, and if someone is willing to point that out to me, instead of being defensive I can be willing to look at it and decide if it is true and how I can change it to serve me instead.  I am open and teachable.
When we change everyone and everything around us seems to have changed.  But in fact it only took us to change our opinion, belief, our expectations and poof ... the whole world changes.
I want to grow this site into a community and have women submit their writings and share their wisdom to make this circle bigger and more inclusive.  My intention is to reach out and touch women's hearts and spirits and be a platform for us to show ourselves how amazing women are!  A place for support and a place to be heard and seen. 
We can change the world and are changing the world and making it a more beautiful place to play in.  Women are creators, inventors, artists, we are used to flying by the seat of our pants and we'll figure it out as we go ... because we trust ourselves and know we love community.
Wisdom comes in many forms 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Living in the Now

I read an article about a woman who had a recurring dream since childhood that she was locked in a prison and couldn't find a way out.  She was having energy work done and mentioned the dream to the woman.  The energy worker asked her if she would like to get of the prison.  The dreamer replied of course she would like to get out of that prison and was told that the door wasn't locked, just open it.  The woman opened the prison door and walked out into an open field and was free.  End of that story and the dream never returned.

Living in the Now would be like opening the prison door and walking out into the world free, no longer being held in the prison of the past or worrying about the future.

I feel that is what it is like to live in the present moment now ... freedom to choose new responses to life and not be shackled to the old stories or be defined by them.  They are like last week's newspapers, no longer relevant.

I heard another pearl of wisdom from Larry Crane who does releasing work.  He said "Your worry will talk to you because it doesn't belong to anyone else, it belongs to you.  And if you've been holding on to it, guess what?  You can let it go.  Can you put the owner on the phone?  You're the owner, its your feeling, and you can let it go.

We have to become conscious that we are in charge of our thinking and beliefs and if we don't pay attention, they can be controlling us instead of the other way around.   We need to enlist our mind to serve us NOT to create havoc and fear and run our patterns unconsciously.

So much potential, so many possibilities, I am so grateful to be alive her and now and have I told you how much Google has changed my life?  Oh yeah baby, better than sliced bread.