Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Gifts of Mistakes

I was watching Oprah one day and Susan Sarandon was asked what she would tell her 20 year old self. Without hesitation she replied "Make lots of mistakes! You learn so much more from your mistakes." I don't think that was her exact quote but its very close.
I loved that! That definitely wasn't my mantra in life. The fear of making mistakes has held me back from so many experiences by yelling "NO" at them. NO, I can't do it unless I know from the very start what will happen and what the outcome will be. I need a written guarantee I will not be embarrassed, look foolish, lose something in the process, or not like the repercussions. NO, NO, NO. I must remain safe and feel that I am in control. I worried what other people would think about me. Many times I became a human chameleon to fit in or to be what other people wanted me to be, or expected me to be,
That is how I have lived a lot of life being paralyzed by fear and change. I am starting to play with the idea of no matter what happens I can deal with it.  This is a radical departure for me but I am ready to venture out in the world and take some chances and play differently.
I had heard the expression "The Universe never says NO" and didn't fully understand what it meant.  Well according to my simplistic version (to me it means) whatever we ask for with intention and expectation we will get it.  If we always go into things with a Plan B we are only hoping Plan A works but expecting to have to use Plan B, we will get Plan B.  Simple as that, the Universe said okay if thats what you want, its yours.
I had been feeling that the world was a hard place to survive and I wasn't feeling safe being in a body, on  this planet Earth.  And because that was my belief, that also was my result.  I am definitely moving away from that old way of thinking because it hasn't made my world a wonderful place to live.
I love the internet, it has changed my life by making so much information available instantly.  I can research anything, find my way to websites of people who have shared ideas that really impacted my life.  I take on line courses, seminars, sign up for newsletters and just keep learning.  
I really see a huge shift happening and people wanting to know themselves on a much deeper level, discover what they came here to do and how we can improve things and the way we live.  People want to be creative, productive, make contributions, help people, have fulfilling work, and feel connected.  
Consciousness is opening to a new way of thinking and living and its catching on.  Maybe we are finding the gifts of the mistakes of the past and learning from them.  Perhaps we are looking around ourselves and seeing new visions of what is possible and no long impossible.  There is great momentum and its time to catch to wave and go with the new paradigm.  
Thank the past, learn from it, and move on.   Living in the now is where it is all happening ... NOW not in the past and not in the future.  

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