Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Friday, February 17, 2012

My Wild Dream for the World

My wild dream is to include all women and girls into the circle of the divine feminine.  To share the joy of celebrating ourselves, our creativity, and the healing effect that art and writing have by embodying it and wearing it out into the world.  Expressing our truths and transforming the ordinary into the mythic and turning fears into opportunities.  To honor women through art and writing and circles which encircle the globe.
I have witnessed such transformation in myself since connecting with art and writing because I have begun contacting parts of myself that I had been disconnected from.  I am learning  to honor the feminine and see how strong, powerful, courageous, compassionate, gentle, fierce, loving, protective, unmovable yet flexible, the feminine is.  Much of this was generated through my contact with my muse and the canvas. 
At this point in my life I feel that the best is yet to come and it will only get better.   Almost a year ago online I met a woman who would change my life forever.  Shiloh Sophia McCloud was offering an on line painting class and I decided to sign up because I had never taken art classes and always wanted to learn to paint.  I felt safe because it was online and if I sucked at it no one but me would know.  I could hide and be safe AND take a risk and try something I really wanted to learn.
Now I have taken some more of her courses and joined Cosmic Cowgirls which Shiloh started and met her dedicated staff who are all about supporting women and changing their lives through art and the written word and they do!
I want to start putting my art out into the world which is a brave step for me.  A friend of mine asked me a long time ago what I wanted to do and I replied I wanted to write.  But I explained I felt that probably no one would care about what I had to say.  She vehemently told me that we never know what someone needs to hear and you might just have what they need to hear.  But your staying silent will never share your message and someone may be waiting to hear those very words.  
I know that when people are real and sharing how they feel or sharing about an uncomfortable situation, or something they felt ashamed of ... the honesty touches my heart and makes me feel connected.  I know that other people have the same things going on in their lives but so many people never share on that level because it makes them feel too vulnerable. 
My intention is to have this be a place of refuge from the outer world.  A place to come to be in contact with your artist self and explore new possibilities.  Bring your cup of coffee or tea or glass of wine and drink in the renewing feminine energy.  As this site evolves I will add links to some of my favorite people to share as well.
I know with art that some speaks to me and some doesn’t.  You may like my artwork and you may not and either way is fine.  Your art will be different from mine yet the process is the same as far as where we go to access it.
I am excited to be starting this journey and know that it will be about art, communication, community, sharing information and support.  It will continue to grow and expand and hopefully you will feel called to be part of this circle of women.

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