Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I See You

I see you hiding in the shadows
I recognize you
I know who you are
You are just like me
You think you are invisible
That no one can see you
But you’re mistaken
I see you clearly
I see the light that shines
From the depths of your being
I sense the shyness you emit
I know the uncertainty you feel
I recognize eyes downcast
Searching for the slightest sign of danger
A twig snaps and it becomes flight or fright
Fear can make us feel powerless
I sense the wounds that go deep
Feeling betrayed, abandoned, unloved
But that is your sign, a signal to rebuild
To start from scratch and raise yourself again
You need to look in the mirror
And see the woman that I see
She is radiant, glowing, and looks
Spectacular in that awesome hat!
Look in my eyes and see what I see
I see hope, a knowingness you’re ready 
To step out of the shadows
And into the light of a new day
I see your life as a shining ray of hope
To all the other daughters out there
Who feel alone, unseen, unheard
The ones who feel invisible
We are not unseen or unheard anymore
We step into the light and shine
We speak from our hearts
We heal the world

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