Painting With My Muse ...

You simply can't be your optimal best creatively unless you consult with your Muse. I always bring an offering of dark chocolate ...

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Loving myself means
gathering up all 
the bits of me
I left behind
ran away from
turned my back on
locked in a box
buried it deep

The bits of me 
someone else didn’t like
or approve of
or think was good enough
I traded ME
for conditional acceptance
for conditional love
that is temporary at best
until they find
the next thing they want different
that isn’t quite 
what they want me to be
or look like
or act like

I am reclaiming myself
stepping up and out
looking within
fueling the fire of self love
creating a roaring bonfire 
feeding it with the old
self sacrifice
chameleon-like behavior
I gave away my power
because who was I
to be ME?

I place the crown of Self Sacrifice 
onto the bonfire 
and watch it turn to ashes
I claim my sovereignty
gathering my power to me
wrapping myself in self acceptance
I place the crown of Love 
upon my head
and reclamation is mine.

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